Creating labs with checker

These are the instructions for how to create labs with checker.js. The main sections are:


The checker.js system represents each lab exercise as:

  1. An HTML file. There is an HTML file for each lab for each locale. If the locale isn’t English, the filename is conventionally prefixed with the locale name (e.g. ja) and an underscore. The HTML file provides text explaining the lab exercise and a form allowing the learner to enter their answer.
  2. A JavaScript file. The JavaScript file is shared between all locales for a given lab. This file includes an example of an expected answer, the pattern(s) defining the correct answer(s), and a list of hints to help users complete the lab. The file may have other information, including various self-tests that are run when an HTML file is loaded.

Everything runs in the user’s browser - no installation is needed. This system does not run arbitrary code written by the user. Users can even download the labs and run them locally, using nothing other than their web browser, if they want to do that.

There are three basic tasks, which can be done by different people:

  1. Identifying the next lab to do. See the README for the list of labs (pick an unassigned one). Tell David A. Wheeler. which one you want to do; he’ll also be happy to answer any questions.
  2. Creating the lab instructions and correct answer. This is done by a subject matter expert. See below.
  3. Creating the lab HTML file. You’d typically copy an existing lab, like template.html or input1.html, and modify it for your situation. See David A. Wheeler who can help you get started.
  4. Creating the lab JavaScript file. You might want to copy template.js or input1.js and modify it for your situation.

The text below discusses these in more detail. We suggest using the template.html and template.js as a starting point. You can also see our potential future directions.

NOTE: At one time we used embedded values in the HTML, including data in YAML format. We no longer do this; we use per-lab JavaScript files instead.

Creating the lab instructions and correct answer

We strongly urge you to first work out the basic lab and what a correct answer would look like. Others can help you create the pattern that describes a correct answer.

First consult the section’s text in the fundamentals course. It’s probably best to then create some simple program that demonstrates it, along with text that explains the task.

Remember that we’re assuming that learners know how to program, but we do not assume they know any particular programming language. See input1.html, input2.html, and csp1.html for examples of how to do this.

We suggest using the template as a starting point.

Creating the lab HTML file

Each lab is captured in its own HTML file. The HTML file of a given lab is expected to:

An easy way implement a lab is to copy use our template and modify it for your situation. Again, see input1.html and input2.html for examples.

We suggest including the buttons (Hint, Reset, and Give up) as shown in the examples. The code will automatically set up the buttons if they are present.

If the lab is not in English, the <html> tag should say <html lang="LOCALE"> where LOCALE is the conventional locale ID (e.g., ja for Japanese), and name the file LOCAL_NAME.html.

Creating the lab JavaScript file


Each lab, regardless of the number of translations, will typically have a single shared JavaScript file. This shared JavaScript file provides information on an example of expected answer(s), a pattern defining the correct answer(s), hints, and so on.

This shared JavaScript file sets info (at least), which provides relevant information about the lab. This is an object, with properties like correct and expected.

Whenever a lab is loaded it automatically runs all embedded self-tests. At the least, it checks that the initial attempted answer does not satisfy the correct answer pattern, while the example expected answer does satisfy the correct answer pattern.

Basic lab information

The basic inputs are:

The number of attempt fields (in the HTML), the number of expected values, and the number of correct values much match.

JavaScript notation

The lab data is expressed using JavaScript, primarily as JavaScript strings. There’s more than one way to express a string in JavaScript, and each has its advantages:

A common error is including the terminating character in the middle of a string. For example, this is an error: "A "foo" is metasyntactic variable" because the double-quote before foo is interpreted as the end of the string. Some correct alternatives would be "A \"foo\" is metasyntactic variable" or 'A "foo" is metasyntactic variable' (either works).

Values (including strings) are grouped into two kinds of structures, arrays and objects:

A really common error is forgetting to add a comma to separate items when you add an item to an array or object. For example, if you add d to the array earlier, you might have this incorrect form: [a, b, c d] (ERRONEOUS).

JavaScript allows trailing commas, and we encourage using them. In other words, a list in JavaScript can have the form [ 'a', 'b', 'c', ] (note the trailing extra comma after 'c'). Using trailing commas reduces the likelihood of forgetting to add the comma between values. If you using trailing commas, when you add a new item ('d') at the end, you already have the comma ready for use.

If things don’t work out, see the Debugging section.

Expressing correct answer patterns

The patterns used for correct and hints are expressed using a preprocessed form of JavaScript regular expression (regex) patterns.

Quick introduction to regular expressions (regexes)

Regular expressions are a widely-used notation to indicate patterns.

Regular expressions let us specify the many different forms that are all correct. E.g.:

How we make regexes readable

Regexes are capable and widely used, but straightforward regex use for this problem would be hard to read. We’ve taken several steps to make it easier to read regex patterns.

One traditional problem with regexes is that they often have a lot of backslashes. In many formats (e.g., JSON) those backslashes have to be backslashed, leading to a profusion of unreadable backslashes sometimes known as the true name of Ba’al the soul-eater.

JavaScript has a standard solution for this problem: use String.raw`…` (a raw template string).

Another problem is that regexes can be hard to read if they are long or must often match whitespace. A “whitespace” is a character that is a space character, tab character, newline, or return character.

Our solution is that we preprocess the regular expressions in a lab to make them easier to enter and read.

By default, the regex pattern for each correct answer and each hint is preprocessed as follows:

Typical regex languages do not have a built-in way to indicate “all of the following patterns are required, and use this pattern as the separator”. It would be awesome if it did (e.g., for listing multiple fields in JavaScript object). If they’re short and there are only two options you can list both. You can also require a specific order, explaining the text the order you want and possibly providing hints if they use a “wrong” order. The simplest approach is to require a specific order.

If you really want to allow arbitrary orders, you can use lookahead matching as described in Matching several things (in no particular order) using a single regex. This approach has a flaw: it will match some kinds of wrong text as well as accepting correct text. You can greatly reduce this by requiring a strict general pattern after defining the lookahead patterns for all required specific answers. If you need that kind of order flexibility for longer lists, that is the best approach I’ve found.

Expressing JavaScript code patterns

If you’re defining a pattern to match an answer that is a snippet of JavaScript code, here are some tips:

It’s impractical to match all possibilities, e.g., 1 can be written as (5-4), but that would be an absurd thing for a student to do.

Example pattern

Here’s an example pattern for matching a correct answer:

\s* query \( ('id'|"id"|`id`) \) \.
    isInt \( \{ min: 1 , max: 9_?999 ,? \} \) , \s*

Here’s an explanation of this pattern:

  1. We start with \s* followed by a space to indicate that 0 or more whitespace at the beginning is fine. We could just use a leading space, but that indent might not be noticed, and it doesn’t work well with YAML.

  2. The word query matches the word “query” and nothing else (not even Query). Notice the space after it - that means 0 or more whitespace is allowed after the word “query”.

  3. The sequence \( matches one open parenthesis. A parentheses have a special meaning it regexes (they group patterns), so to match a literal open parenthesis you must precede it with a backslash. Note the space afterwards, which again will match 0 or more whitespace.

  4. The sequence (‘id’|”id”|`id`) uses parentheses to group things together. The | means “or”. This that one of the following patterns is allowed: 'id' or "id" or `id&#96 (and nothing else). Again, the space after it means 0+ spaces are allowed. WARNING: If you use JavaScript raw strings or templates, you need to escape the backquote (`) character.

  5. The \) matches a literal close parenthesis, while \. matches a literal period.

  6. The sequence of indented spaces means that 0 or more spaces are allowed here. The patterns isInt and \( are the same kinds of patterns we’ve seen. Similarly, a \{ matches a literal open brace.

  7. The pattern 9_?999 means a nine, an optional _ (? means the preceding pattern is optional), and three more 9 characters. JavaScript numbers allow _ in them as a separator, and some might use that in a thousands column. Similarly, ,? means that the (trailing) comma in this position is optional.

  8. The final \s* with a space before it matches 0 or more spaces. We could end the line with a space, but it wouldn’t be visible. By ending the last pattern with \s* we make it clear that trailing whitespace is allowed at the end.

Other info

You can provide these fields for testing:

We encourage creating many self-tests (successes, failures, and tests for hints).


Hints are expressed in the info hints field. This field must be an array (its value must begin with [ and end with ]). Inside the array is a list of hint objects. Each hint object describes a hint, and they are checked in the order given (so the earliest matching hint always takes precedence). Each hint object begins with {, has a set of fields, and ends with }.

Format for a hint

Every hint object must have a text field to be displayed as the hint. Translations can be provided as text_LOCALE, e.g., text_ja is the Japanese version of the hint.

A hint object can have a present field (a pattern that must be present for the hint to be shown), and it can have an absent field (a pattern that must be absent for the hint to be shown). A hint can have both a present and absent field, or neither. A hint with neither a present nor absent field always matches; you can make the last hint do this to set a default hint.

The present and absent fields are regular expression patterns that are preprocessed similarly to a correct answer. However, they don’t have to exactly match (start the pattern with ^ and end it with $ if you want an exact match). Again, one or more spaces are interpreted as allowing 0 or more spaces.

A hint has a default index of 0, that is, it checks the first attempt0 against first correct pattern. If you want to check an index other than 0, add an index field and provide an integer.

A hint can include an examples field, which must then contain an array of examples which are used as tests. Each example is an array of Strings; each element corresponds to the indexes. On load the system will verify that each example will report the matching hint (this helps ensure that the hint order is sensible).

At the time of this writing, all examples are loaded and used as tests to ensure that the hint requested is actually the one reported. If your example is for a later index, provide test values that don’t trigger earlier index values. Currently those values are ignored, but future versions will probably use them when checking the examples.

Examples of hints

Here are examples of hints:

hints: [
    absent: ", $",
    text: "This is a parameter, it must end with a comma.",
    examples: [
      [ "  " ],
    present: "(isint|Isint|IsInt|ISINT)",
    text: "JavaScript is case-sensitive. Use isInt instead.",
    examples: [
      [ "  query('id').isint()," ],
      [ "  query('id').IsInt()," ],

The first hint triggers when the user attempt does not contain the pattern , $ (note the term absent). This pattern matches on a comma, followed by 0 or more whitespace characters, followed by the end of the input. The index isn’t specified, so this will check attempt #0 (the first one). So if there’s no comma at the end (ignoring trailing whitespace), this hint will trigger with the given text. The examples are test cases that should trigger this hint.

The second hint triggers when the user attempt contains the given pattern (note the term present).

Preventing problems

As always, it’s best to try to make smaller changes, test them, and once they work check them in. That way you won’t need to debug a long complicated set of changes. See the next section on testing.


Every time you reload the lab HTML, the program will reload and all self-tests will be run. If you see no errors, and the text entry areas are showing in yellow, a lot of things are working well.

Please create tests! You should create test cases for full attempts (successes should pass, failures should fail) and test cases for hints (examples).

Hints are checked in order - it’s possible to create a hint that won’t trigger because something earlier would always match. All tests are automatically re-run every time the page is (re)loaded.

In a hint, examples is an array of examples that should trigger the hint. Each example is an array of answers. If you use an index, the other index values aren’t considered. We suggest using null for array entries that aren’t relevant for the test.

The script mass-test for Linux or MacOS will automatically open every lab in your default browser’s current window. This will rerun all our lab automated tests. If every lab has a yellow text entry area, and doesn’t show test failure alerts, then all the labs pass the test.


Sadly, sometimes things don’t work; here are some debugging tips for labs.

If you load a page and the text entries don’t have color, there was a serious problem loading things. Use your browser’s Developer Tools to show details. In Chrome, this is More Tools -> Developer Tools -> (Console Tab). In Firefox, this is More Tools -> Web Developer Tools -> (Console Tab). You may need to further open specifics to see them. Often the problem is that (1) a line just before added material needs a trailing comma, or (2) a string was not properly closed (e.g., it is double-quoted but includes double-quote that was not properly escaped).

If the JavaScript loads successfully, but then a self-test fails, you’ll see alert box(es) telling you which tests failed. See testing.


We encourage you to add many self-tests (e.g., successes, failures, and tests for hints) when creating labs.

You can set the optional info “debug” field to true. This will display information, particularly on its inputs. This can help you track down a problems if you think your inputs are being interpreted in a way different than you expect.

See the JavaScript notation section on how to write data in JavaScript.

Advanced use: Definitions

Regular expressions make it easy to describe many patterns. However, it’s sometimes useful to give certain sequences names, or use the same sequence in different circumstances.

You can use JavaScript to define values, and even use values to compute other values. By convention constants are usually in uppercase letters, e.g., FOO = "bar";. In a template you can use them using ${...}, for example, ${FOO}.

If you doh’t want to use JavaScript’s mechanisms, there is an alternative. Checker allows you to define named terms, and then use them in a regular expression. This is done in the definitions section, which is a sequence of a term name and its corresponding value. Any use of the same term in a later definition or a regular expression will replaced by its current definition. Leading and trailing whitespace in the value is removed.

Here’s an example:

definitions: [
    term: 'RETURN0'
    value: 'return \s+ 0 ;'
    term: 'RETURN0'
    value: String.raw`(RETURN0|\{ RETURN0 \})`

The first entry defines RETURN0 as the value \s+ 0 ; so any future use of RETURN0 will be replaced by that. The next entry uses the same term name, and declares it to be (RETURN0|\{ RETURN0 \}). The result is that the new value for RETURN0 will be (\s+ 0 ;|\{ \s+ 0 ; \}) - enabling us to have an expression optionally surrounded by curly braces.

Advanced use: Select preprocessing commands (e.g., for other languages)

For most programming languages the default regex preprocessing should be fine. However, the defaults are not a good fit for some programming languages such as Python. It’s also possible that some patterns for correct answers include repeating patterns.

This checker.js system lets you define your own regex preprocessing commands. This functionality is advanced - hopefully you won’t need to do it.

To do this, set the preprocessing field to an array. Each array element should itself be an array of:

  1. A regular expression (expressed as a string).
  2. The string that will replace each match. This be used exactly as it’s provided.
  3. (Optional) Regex flags. If not provided “g” (global) will be used. Do not use multiline (m) mode! We do matches of entire phrases by surrounding an attempt with ^(?: on the left and )$ on the right. JavaScript’s default is that ^ matches the beginning of the string and $ matches the end. However, setting multiline would break this. We can’t replace ^ with \A and replace $ with \z because these buffer boundary constructs are not in ECMAScript/JavaScript, though there is a proposal to add them.

You can also test preprocessing by setting the info field preprocessingTests - if you don’t set preprocessing itself, you’re testing the default preprocessor. The preprocessingTests field contains an array of examples that test the preprocessor. Each example array is two elements long; the first is a pattern that could be requested, and the second is post-processed pattern that should result. There’s no need for a “failure” test suite here, because we demand exact results for every test case.

Here is an example:

  preprocessing: [
      // Ignore newlines
      // Convert \s+ surrounded by tabs/spaces as \s+ (optimization)
      String.raw`[ \t]+\\s\+[ \t]+`,
      // Convert 1+ spaces/tabs, optionally surrounded by \s*, as \s*
      String.raw`(\\s\*)?[ \t]+(\\s\*)?`,
  preprocessingTests: [
      String.raw`\s* console \. log \( (["'${BACKQUOTE}])Hello,\x20world!\1 \) ; \s*`,
      String.raw`\s* foo \s+ bar \\string\\ \s*`,

Here is an explanation of each of these preprocessing elements in this example:

  1. Remove end-of-line characters (\n and \r)
  2. An optimization. This removes useless spaces and tabs if they surround \s+ (speeding up matching). This optimization ONLY occurs when spaces/tabs are on both sides, to prevent false matches.
  3. 1+ spaces/tabs are instead interpreted as \s* (0+ whitespace). The optional expressions before and after it are an optimization, to coalesce this for speed.

In the preprocessing replacement text, you can use $ followed by a digit to refer to the corresponding capturing group.

If you load hello.html you’ll automatically run some self-tests on the default preprocessor.


We’d love to see translations of labs into various natural languages!

First, identify the standard identifier for your locale, e.g., for Japanese it is ja. We’ll call that LOCALE from here on.

If we haven’t done your language already, look at checker.js for the resources = object. Add or modify ones for your language. There aren’t many strings to translate.

Each lab is a separate HTML file. To create a translation, copy the HTML file into another file with a similar name indicating its locale. We currently recommend it be named LOCALE_oldname.html, e.g., the Japanese (ja) translation of input1.html would be ja_input1.html. Use the most common locale name and make it clear, e.g., for simplified Chinese use the locale zh-CN, for Brazilian Portuguese use pt-BR, for French use fr.

Now edit the HTML file to translate its text into your locale:

You can try out hello to start simple. See ja_hello to see its Japanese translation.

The list of labs provides more information. WARNING: We aren’t currently using all labs we have. Make sure you focus on the labs in use first :-).

See the JavaScript notation section on how to write data, and the Debugging section to see how to understand and fix problems.

No longer using embedded data or YAML

At one time we used data files embedded in the HTML (e.g., YAML, expected answers, and correct answers). YAML is a widely-used data format, and we made a lot of progress using it.

Unfortunately, for our specific circumstance having data files embedded in the HTML caused problems for localization. When data files were embedded they couldn’t be shared between locales. When we tried to make them separate files (so they could be shared), we found we could no longer easily run the labs locally without additional conversion steps. The problem is that when run locally, JavaScript can’t load other files due to security restrictions. YAML is not the problem; switching to JSON or other formats would have exactly the same problem. If we made a single file for a lab for all locales, there would be no easy way to specify which locale to load ahead-of-time.

We have transitioned to having a shared JavaScript file, one per lab. Web browsers are allowed to load JavaScript through HTML. This means we can have a data file shared between locales. E.g., input1.html and ja_input1.html will both load a corresponding input1.js with configuration information that is shared between translations.

If you set an info2, on load any differences between info and info2 will be reported.

You can start a conversion from YAML to JavaScript using the yq tool:

yq eval hello.yaml -o=json -P > hello.js

Prepend the result with info =. Now load the JavaScript as a script (after the main library).

Submitting a new or updated lab

To submit new or updated labs, create a pull request on the OpenSSF Best Practices Working Group (WG) repository under the docs/labs directory. Simply fork the repository, add your proposed lab in the docs/labs directory, and create a pull request.

Academic use

These labs were created for LFD121. However, they can (and are) also used for other situations, such as for academic use. We welcome those other uses! This does raise the issue of countering cheating.

We can’t prevent all cheating. The answers can be shared among students, and answers are visible to those who look at its source. In addition, some learners may be unable to figure out the answer, so we provide a “give up” button.

However, cheating is fundamentally a lazy approach, and we take some steps to address this. The “give up” button has a timer, so people can’t load the page and immediately give up to see the answer. When a lab is completed, that is clearly indicated at the bottom. In English this stamp has the word “Completed” at the bottom. After that, it has a precise datetime of the completion time, followed by a random unique value (a UUID), and a hash value computed from the datetime stamp and random value. All of this is followed by (GA) if the learner gave up in this session. If two learners submit labs with the same datetime and random value, then a single lab session is being claimed by more than one learner (in other words, there was cheating). Changing the datetime or UUID, without fixing the hash, can also be used to detect an invalid lab submission. This doesn’t detect all cheating, but these mechanisms do provide a way to detect some kinds of cheating.

Potential future directions

Below are notes about potential future directions.

Currently this system uses simple input and textarea tags to retrieve data. It might be useful to (optionally?) replace that with a code editor. Wikipedia’s Comparison of JavaScript-based source code editors lists many options. CodeJar (CodeJar repo) looks promising. It has an MIT license, only about 2.5kB, and you can use a highlighting library such as PrismJS or your own; it doesn’t do any bracket matching though. There are many larger ones such as Ace and CodeMirror.