Lab Exercise csp1

This is a lab exercise on developing secure software. For more information, see the introduction to the labs.


Please change the code below so that this server-side JavaScript web application will have many security hardening headers, including a special configuration of its Content Security Policy (CSP).


In this exercise, we'll add security headers to a server-side web application. This server-side program is written in JavaScript using the Express framework (version 4). We'll be using the helmet library, which helps add hardening headers to Express applications.

Task Information

You'll first need to load the helmet library. There are many ways to do this in JavaScript. In this case, we'll use a require statement to load a library. Look at the line below to require Express, and create a similar line to require helmet.

We now need to write code to use helmet to insert hardening headers. In Express you can use an app.use(...) call to indicate something to use on every request. You could simply call helmet like this, and it would set up many hardening headers:


However, it's very common to need to specially configure this for your application. The helmet() call accepts an optional object that lets you configure things. In JavaScript an object is noted as { ... }, where its contents are a comma-separated sequence of key-value pairs. Each key-value pair has a field name, a colon (:), and its corresponding value.

In this case we want to modify the configuration of the Content Security Policy (CSP). You can indicate this by setting the field name contentSecurityPolicy to a value. This value is another object. This would look like this:

  contentSecurityPolicy: {

The value object for contentSecurityPolicy can itself have various fields, including the field directives. This field directives in turn takes a JavaScript object as its value.

The object of the directives field can take one or more keys. In our case we'll want to set two:

One quirk about JavaScript syntax: keys that have a dash ("-") character in it, like these, must be represented as strings (surround the term with double quotes).

In the case of "script-src", for our purposes set it to the array ["'self'", ""]. This means that JavaScript can be run from either this server or from the website - and nowhere else. Note that 'self' is itself quoted. We could have also included "unsafe-inline" which would allow the use of inline JavaScript. However, we won't do that in this example, because it's much safer to not include "unsafe-inline". When a CSP "script-src" value is set, and it doesn't include "unsafe-inline", that means that JavaScript embedded in some HTML will not be executed. This is great for security; often attackers can trick servers into slipping something into some generated HTML, and this means that if it's a script, it won't be executed.

Set "style-src" to ["'self'"] - that states that styles can only come from this site (and nowhere else). Again, we didn't include "unsafe-inline", that means that CSS embedded in the HTML will be ignored. This is good for security, because it means that even if an attacker tricks a server into embedding some CSS commands, those commands will be ignored.

Use the “hint” and “give up” buttons if necessary.

Interactive Lab ()

const express = require("express");

const app = express();

// Use Helmet to insert hardening headers

app.get("/", (req, res) => {
  res.send("Hello world!");


This lab was developed by David A. Wheeler at The Linux Foundation.