Lab Exercise hello

This is a lab exercise on developing secure software. For more information, see the introduction to the labs.


Learn how to use our labs by writing a "Hello, world!" program.


A "Hello, World!" program is often the first program written in a new programming language or system. We'll write one so we can see how these labs work.

Task Information

Your task is to change the program below to print "Hello, world!" to learn how our labs work. Please experiment with the buttons below labelled Hint, Reset, and Give up.

When you get a correct answer, you'll see a popup notification, the background color of the input box will change, and the "Interactive Lab" heading will change to say Complete!.

Interactive Lab ()

Please modify the code below to print "Hello, world!" (not including the quotes) for JavaScript on Node.js, while also learning how our labs work.

This lab was developed by David A. Wheeler at The Linux Foundation.