Compiler Annotations for C and C++

ⓘ NOTE: This is a draft document by the Open Source Security Foundation (OpenSSF) Best Practices Working Group. Help to improve it on Github.

Compile time security analysis and runtime mitigation implemented in compilers both depend on the compiler being able to see the flow of data between different points in a program, across functions and modules. This is quite a challenge in C and C++ because both languages allow passing around opaque references, thus losing information about objects. To work around this problem, both GCC and Clang implement attributes to annotate source code, especially functions and data structures, to allow them to do better analysis of source code. These annotations are not only beneficial for security, but they also help the compilers make better optimization decisions, often resulting in better code.

Attributes at a glance

Both GCC and Clang recognize the __attribute__ keyword to annotate source code. Both compilers also provide a __has_attribute() macro function that returns 1 if the attribute name passed to it is supported and 0 otherwise. For example __has_attribute(malloc) would return 1 in the latest GCC and Clang. The full syntax description for the __attribute__ keyword is available in the GCC documentation1.

The C++112 and C233 standards specify a new attribute specifier sequence to standardize the __attribute__ functionality. The syntax is simply [[prefix::attribute]], where the prefix specifies the namespace (e.g. gnu for a number of attributes described in this document) and attribute is the name of the attribute. This style is recommended whenever it is possible to build your applications to target these standards.

When declaring functions, attributes may be added to the function at the end of the declaration, like so:

extern void *custom_allocator (size_t sz) [[gnu::malloc]] [[alloc_size (1)]];

At function definition, function attributes come right before the function name:

void * [[gnu::malloc]] [[gnu::alloc_size (1)]] custom_allocator (size_t sz);

Some function attributes can accept parameters that have specific meanings. Parameters can be numbers that indicate the position of the argument to the function; 1 indicates the first argument, 2 the second and so on. Parameters can also be keywords or names of identifiers that have been declared earlier in the program.

Table 1: Recommended attributes

Attribute Supported since Type Description
malloc GCC 2.95.3
Clang 13
Function Allocator that returns a non-aliased (possibly NULL) pointer.
malloc (dealloc) GCC 11 Function Same as above but also associate dealloc as the deallocator for this function
alloc_size(pos-1, pos-2)
GCC 2.95.3
Clang 4
Function Size of the object that the returned pointer points to is at argument pos of the function or product of arguments at pos-1 and pos-2.
access(mode, ref-pos)
access(mode, ref-pos, size-pos)
GCC 10 Function Indicate how the function uses argument at ref-pos. mode could be read_only, read_write, write_only or none. size-pos, if mentioned, is the argument indicating the size of object at ref-pos.
fd_arg(N) GCC 13 Function Argument N is an open file descriptor.
fd_arg_read(N) GCC 13 Function Argument N is an open file descriptor that can be read from.
fd_arg_write(N) GCC 13 Function Argument N is an open file descriptor that can be written to.
noreturn GCC 2.95.3
Clang 4
Function The function does not return.
tainted_args GCC 12 Function or function pointer Function needs sanitization of its arguments. Used by -fanalyzer=taint

Performance considerations

Attributes influence not only diagnostics generated by the compiler but also the resultant code. As a result, annotating code with attributes will have an impact on performance, although the impact may go either way. The annotation may allow compilers to add more traps for additional security and be conservative about some optimizations, thus impacting performance of output code. At the same time however, it may allow compilers to make some favorable optimization decisions, resulting in generation of smaller and faster running code and often, better code layout.

  1. GCC team, Attribute Syntax, GCC manual, 2024-01-17 

  2. ISO/IEC, Programming languages — C++ (“C++11”), ISO/IEC 14882, 2011. Note: The official ISO/IEC specification is paywalled and therefore not publicly available. The final specification draft is publicly available. 

  3. ISO/IEC, Programming languages — C (“C23”), ISO/IEC 9899:2023, 2023. Note: The official ISO/IEC specification is not available.