by the Open Source Security Foundation (OpenSSF), 2025-03-19
This document describes the “Simplest Possible Process” (SPP), a process for publishing nice-looking static results on a website using GitHub-hosted repositories.
In the SPP, the materials are maintained using GitHub and deployed as simple static pages using GitHub Pages:
branch is changed
(typically using files in markdown format in its docs
in their contents, and update that during content changes.
If the document is a draft, clearly indicate that.This document is written primarily for use by technical contributors to the Open Source Security Foundation (OpenSSF), but others are free to use it.
The Open Source Security Foundation (OpenSSF) produces many results, some of which should be published in a nice-looking easily-consumed format. However, it has been unclear how to publish the final results. David A. Wheeler considered the options and proposed using this SPP (see the rationale) unless there was some reason the process wouldn’t work. The Best Practices Working Group experimented with the SPP and found it helpful to them.
As a result, the OpenSSF TAC declared on 2023-06-27 that any OpenSSF working group, SIG, or project is welcome to use this SPP if they determined that it met their needs (minutes, TAC issue 176). The OpenSSF staff will implement this for an OpenSSF repository, but only on request (to avoid unnecessary work). See the section One-time setup.
Here are a few tips for using a repository that is using the SPP. Try to be consistent. Special configurations are possible, but things are easier to maintain if all pages use the same approach.
Organize your repository’s subdirectories.
Choose upper and lower case carefully,
since paths are case-sensitive.
Directory and file names with spaces are supported
but not recommended, because the
resulting URLs look odd (space becomes %20
In most cases, documents should be in markdown format for ease of editing.
All markdown (.md
) files will be converted into HTML (.html
) files;
you can omit the trailing .html
when accessing them using a web browser.
When using markdown:
in your CI/CD, possibly configured
specially, to detect and prevent problems ahead of time.#
) with its title.
This makes it easy to generate a correct document title in the metadata.
In the following paragraph (after a blank line),
include a line with AUTHOR, YYYY-MM-DD, like this:
*by the [Open Source Security Foundation (OpenSSF)]( [Best Practices Working Group](, 2023-06-14*
headings for logical Heading1 entries,
for logical Heading2 entries, and so on.
Each heading name should be unique (so the generated ids are unique).
You can reference any heading via its ID, e.g., [text](#ID)
Here is the algorithm for determining header IDs.:toc
surrounded by curly braces
on its own line.kramdown
to process markdown and the
Jekyll template.
Thus, the kramdown cheatsheet may be helpful.When you are creating a new markdown document, you should begin with a YAML front matter block surrounded by triple-dashed lines, at least to provide a description (this will be included in metadata sent to users). E.g.:
description: "This document ..."
If you don’t want to include a YAML front matter block (e.g., because
people are directly looking at the markdown file), you can instead
include this information in the repository file _config.yml
Once changes are checked into the main
branch they are eligible
for regeneration, which generally doesn’t take long.
You can see its status from a repository by clicking on Actions
and looking at its workflow run.
The SPP requires a one-time setup for each repository. Here’s how to do that:
subdirectory in the repository root directory.
Move all documents that might eventually
be published into this docs
subdirectory (e.g., git mv
This way, only materials intended to be eventually published will be
Do not wait until the documents are final before putting them in docs
it’s important to be able to review and fix formatting bugs ahead of time.
Instead, don’t create hyperlinks to those materials claiming
they are final releases.main
and folder /docs
, then save.
Under custom domain enter your custom domain (e.g.,
and select Save; this will create a file named CNAME
in the root
) so its CNAME
(the organization GitHub site).
Note that every repository of an organization uses the same CNAME
for this particular setting, and not the name of the specific repository.
GitHub instead uses the CNAME file in your repository to figure out
exactly which repository will be used. OpenSSF members
can just email operations
Linux Foundation employees can send the request to
LF support or more specifically
Domains & DNS.
After a little while, TLS (https:
) will be ready!./_config.yml
and directories _includes/
and assets/
These must start at the docs
directory if you use a docs
The directories (e.g., _includes/
) can override a template’s file
simply by creating another file with the same name in the same place.
We intend to add more about doing this in the future.
For now, you can use the OpenSSF Best Practices WG as a demonstration.
This is already configured to comply with the
OpenSSF Brand Guidelines
such as our preferred fonts and color scheme.Using the GitHub repository interface as the sole mechanism
for distributing results has many drawbacks.
It shows readers lots of
irrelevant text (e.g., the GitHub source repo interface), we cannot control
its formatting (so the results look ugly),
the URLs aren’t related to our (
) domain,
most metadata (such as the description) is wrong, and search engines
are likely to give it low scores (because it’s “just a random page
on GitHub”). For an example of this “ugly” view, see the
GitHub repository view of the
Guide to implementing a coordinated vulnerability disclosure process for open source projects.
The GitHub repository interface is great when making changes, but not
for sharing final document results.
There are practically infinite ways to publish results on a website. This abundance of choices was part of the problem of picking any particular way to publish results. This is especially a challenge for us, because many participants in the OpenSSF can understand and implement complex workflows if the situation calls for it.
On 2023-06-06, the OpenSSF Best Practices Working Group (WG) re-raised the problem that the OpenSSF lacked a good process for publishing results to a website. This was recorded as Best Practices WG issue 158, Revamp publishing of guides such as concise guides & scm guide.
OpenSSF staff quickly developed and deployed an experimental solution. The overall approach to selecting the SPP has been to find the “easiest way to do it” (given our current state) and to prefer system defaults (e.g., using default GitHub Pages with its default site generation process (Jekyll), markdown processors (kramdown) and default template (Minima). In short, the “simplest possible process” (SPP) focuses on trying to work with existing tools & minimize what needs to be done:
for the Best
Practices WG. This involves easy one-time actions (in particular, add a DNS
record and configure GitHub Pages to use that DNS entry). GitHub
will automatically get TLS certificates, so we securely serve
web pages (using https).This is not only easy to set up, but it’s also easy to use.
Contributors can simply use git and GitHub as usual,
and the updates are quickly
published once they are merged into the main
You can see the results in the Concise Guide for Developing More Secure Software. Notice that its URL is We think the new results look much better than the old view of the Concise Guide for Developing More Secure Software, whose URL was the much uglier You can see similar positive results in the Concise Guide for Evaluating Open Source Software.
Of course, we didn’t create this process as a new concept. Many other organizations already use this kind of process. GitHub implemented these mechanisms, and this is how they’re intended to be used. However, we had an overwhelming number of alternatives, so we needed to identify and name a specific approach.
Experimentation in the Best Practices Working Group showed this process, the SPP, was enough for most of our simple use cases.
There are so many other ways to generate pages, but they all add complexity that seems unnecessary for most of our use cases:
The SPP cannot meet all needs; in particular, it’s not enough if you need a dynamic site. In those cases, the relevant group will need to use something else.
Here are the advantages of the SPP compared to other approaches for generating a static site:
, making it clear to all (including search
engines) that these are results from the OpenSSF.Once set up, these web pages are quickly and automatically updated once the repo’s main branch is updated. The source materials are version-controlled, and the contributors can simply “work as they’ve always worked”.
Some potential issues have been noted, but we believe we have adequate solutions:
entry, we need to delete its DNS name first.
We could also automate checking for dangling DNS entries if we wanted to
(that would be good anyway)
for the Best Practices WG.
This may create many subdomains (a WG might have several repos
that publish, not just one).
David A. Wheeler doesn’t view that as a drawback,
as such subdomain names are obviously part of OpenSSF.
When certificates cost money those extra domains were a real problem,
but with Let’s Encrypt this isn’t an issue.
The OpenSSF staff only plans to take the one-time SPP steps
by request, so staff will only need to take those steps
if someone intends to use the SPP.kramdown
markdown processor, and the
Jekyll template)
are all OSS, and we could reconstitute them elsewhere.
Even if they weren’t, we could use other similar tools instead,
as these tools just convert markdown to HTML and post the results.The SPP only generates static websites. You can serve JavaScript, but that doesn’t work when users will not execute client-side JavaScript. If you want a truly dynamic website running server-side code, the SPP is inadequate, and groups should look for a different solution.
However, many of our groups serve simple static documents; a simple process like the SPP should serve them well.
The OpenSSF Best Practices WG has various configuration files. We should “clean up” those files to make it easier for others to reuse them.